
Information for Nordic ProbAI 2024 registrants.

Please check regularly for updates.


The following information will be emailed to the accepted applicants or registrants.

  • March 19: Notification of application status.
  • May 9: PhD course registration.
  • June 11: Poster session.
  • June 11: General information.
  • June 29: Certificate of attendace, group photo, feedback form.

If you have not received some of the listed notifications, please get in touch with us via email.


Auditorium A2-81.01 at Frederiksberg Campus of University of Copenhagen.

Main entrance:
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg

The registration desk, located next to the main entrance, opens at 8:15 and closes at 9:00.

The program will have locations and comments with details.


We recommend you proceed with your travel arrangements as early as possible. Apply for visa as soon as possible if required.

Invitations Letters for Visa

Invitation letters will be issued only to attendees, i.e., after they have been accepted and registered. Participants who need a visa are advised to start the process as soon as possible. Instructions for requesting an invitation letter for visa application were sent via email and the notification of acceptance.


Please make your accommodation arrangements as early as possible, as conflicting events during the period may result in limited options.

Selected hotels near the venue:

  • Wakeup Bernstorffsgade
  • Hotel Østerport
  • Cabinn Copenhagen
  • Hotel Euroglobe
  • Cabinn Scandinavia (breakfast not included; available for purchase at 99 DKK)
  • Cabinn Express (breakfast not included; available for purchase at 99 DKK)

Please contact DIS CONGRESS SERVICE at or book the hotels when you make the online registration.


Information about means of transportation in Copenhagen.

From/To Airport

Metro and train are the best options and take only around 15 minutes from the airport to the city center. For more detailed information, please check this excellent introduction (covers more choices including taxi and buses).

In the City


Copenhagen is a very safe city to walk. If you want to explore the city by walking, feel free to check this guide.

Public Transportation

Practical tips for public transportation, for more details, please check this nice introduction.

  • Public transportation is quite reliable in Copenhagen and you can trust Google map wherever needed.
  • Tickets & prices: there are various types of tickets, please check this page.
    • The best option is to get an E-ticket (Download the app “DOT Billetter” in App Store and Google Play and pay for your tickets on the go).
    • You can always buy a one-time ticket in ticket machines, or 7-Eleven kiosks at the train and metro stations with cash or credit cards.
    • If you choose to buy a transportation card (called Rejsekort in Denmark, there are two types and for travelers the anonymous one is sufficient), PLEASE REMEMBER TO BOTH CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT AFTER YOUR TRAVEL.
    • There are also options for travel passes within a certain time (e.g. 24 hours). When purchasing the passes, you will need to choose the zones and it will only be valid to travel within the zones you have chosen.
City Bikes

The city is also very bike-friendly. You can rent bikes from bike shops or services like Donkey Republic. When biking, please remember to follow the rules.

Poster Session

The recommended poster format is vertical (portrait) A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm).

The ProbAI school does not offer printing services; each presenter must bring a printed poster.

Self-Study Recommendations

We expect from the participants experience with programming in Python, experience in machine learning, and at least a basic but sound knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, and statistics. See the recommended curriculum to gain the most out of Tropical ProbAI.

Code of Conduct

The ProbAI school aims to be and to promote an environment of diversity, inclusion, openness, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

To reach those goals together, the ProbAI team has created the following Code of Conduct, which is expected to be complied with by all participants (attendees, lecturers, organizers, helpers, and others). We therefore expect the following from all participants:

  • Be welcoming and supportive. People of different backgrounds and identities are welcome and supported.
  • Be respectful and keep a good tone. Communicate thoughtfully and listen to the other participants. Be open to other participants’ thoughts and be aware of personal biases.
  • Collaborate and share knowledge. Everyone at the school has different skills and levels of experience. Engage and learn from the other participants. Share your knowledge and help out other participants.
  • Respect personal boundaries. We do not accept harassment, violence, behavior of a sexual or discriminatory nature, or other offensive behavior.

This code is not exhaustive and captures a broader understanding of a healthy and safe collaborative environment.

If you have an incident of misconduct you wish to report; you may use the form at this link:

The ProbAI team will handle any reported misconduct, and the appropriate actions will be taken. The consequences will vary depending on the level of the misconduct and include, but are not limited to, removed attendance from the school.