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About ProbAI
The mission of the 6th Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI) remains unchanged. The ProbAI school is here to provide an inclusive education environment serving state-of-the-art expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence. The public, students, academia and industry are welcome to join the Nordic ProbAI 2024.
![Participants of ProbAI 2019](
Probabilistic Modeling,
Variational Inference,
Probabilistic Programming,
Deep Generative Models, ...
Our objective is to bring an intermediate to advanced level “summer” school with a focus on probabilistic machine learning. We cover topics such as probabilistic models, variational approximations, deep generative models, latent variable models, normalizing flows, neural ODEs, probabilistic programming, and much more.
Lecturers & Speakers
Our lecturers and speakers will guide you from the foundations of probabilistic machine learning up to the state-of-the-art.
More to be announced.
Wouter Boomsma
University of Copenhagen
Jes Frellsen
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Daniel Hernández-Lobato
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Chin-Wei Huang
Microsoft Research
Andrew R. Johnson
Aalto University
Helge Langseth
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Charles Margoissan
Flatiron Institute (Simons Foundation)
Andrés R. Masegosa
Aalborg University
Thomas Dyhre Nielsen
Aalborg University
Antonio Salmerón
University of Almería
Victor Garcia Satorras
Microsoft Research
Silja Renooij
Utrecht University
Adèle H. Ribeiro
University of Marburg
Antonio Vergari
University of Edinburgh
Ole Winther
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Copenhagen in Denmark
Frederiksberg Campus of University of Copenhagen.
Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Who is behind Nordic ProbAI 2024?
The 6th edition of the Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI) is being hosted by Pioneer Center of Artificial Intelligence and organized by Aalborg University with the support of Norwegian Open AI Lab and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).